STEMpower officially inaugurated a new STEM Center at the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology ("AAIT"), on July 12, 2019. AAIT is located in Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, a major hub of Africa.
More than a decade ago, STEMpower founders established the first STEM Center called Foka Science and Engineering Center, in Bishoftu city, an hour drive from the capital. From humble beginnings, the STEMpower team has been steadily operating diverse STEM programs across Ethiopia and nearby countries. AAIT STEM Center joins the growing array of STEM Centers funded and equipped by STEMpower founders and its charity trust GFCT.

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology ("AAIT") was Ethiopia's first engineering institution, established in 1953 as the Imperial College of Engineering. Now an independent member of Addis Ababa University ("AAU"), AAIT operates five undergraduate schools of engineering:
▪ civil and environmental engineering,
▪ electrical and computer engineering,
▪ mechanical and industrial engineering,
▪ chemical and bio-engineering, and
▪ pre-engineering
In addition, AAIT is training lecturers and researchers at Masters and Phd levels.

AAIT STEM Center was officially inaugurated by many dignitaries, who spoke to the first cohort of students attending the new STEM Center. Dignitaries included:
▪ Dr. Solomon Benor, research affairs director, Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE).
▪ Dr. Matiwos Ensermu, vice president, AAU.
▪ Dr. Esayas Gebreyohannes, scientific director, AAIT.
▪ Dr. Birhanemeskel, president, Kotebe Metropolitan University
▪ Dr. Esayas Gebreyohannes, scientific director, AAIT
▪ Dr. Solomon, senior official, MoSHE.
▪ Dr. Birhanemeskel, senior official, Kotebe
The official opening ceremonies were followed by a visit to the AAIT STEM Center's first operational program, called University STEM Outreach. That national program began five years ago by STEMpower founders. The outreach program operates at nearly all Ethiopian 45 universities as an educational enrichment service to their respective catchment communities.

AAIT STEM's University STEM Outreach program is hosting 80 interested students from nearby neighborhood schools. Those students are now preparing their innovative projects for Ethiopia's fourth annual National Science Fair, held every November 10. At the Science Fair, the AAIT STEM students will compete with other STEM-interested students from around the nation.

In addition, STEMPower has been serving as coordinator with AAIT STEM Center to establish an innovative Chemical and Biochemical Engineering lab, in partnership with Case Western Reserve University of Cleveland, Ohio, USA.